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Staying Healthy and Active

By Simone P.


PE and gym class shouldn't be the only time you stay active. Joining some extracurricular activities, that is, activities outside of your scholarly responsibilities that get you up and moving, can be a great way to tend to your physical health and also have fun. Your school may have so many opportunities for you to get active. See if there is a sign-up for your favorite sport. If there are none, look into your local YMCA. The Y has activities from swimming to gymnastics to baseball and much in between. Ask your parents about signing you up if you're interested. See the link below. There are so many ways to stay active, even outside of your PE class.

Important things to remember:

  • Pack a balanced lunch with some fresh fruit and veggies!

  • Always have a water bottle on you!

  • Exercise can be dance, yoga, a sport, or a random routine you found on YouTube! Don't wait for your PE teacher to start moving!

Check out our resource page full of home work outs here!

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